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Mission, Vision, Commitments, Goals

Lincoln Middle School: Mission, Vision, Commitments, Goals

MISSION: At Lincoln Middle School we empower each other with the knowledge, skills, and attitudes for success in our next level of education. With an emphasis on equity, we will feel safe to grow and try, creating a culture of belonging.  

VISION: We envision…

  • A school culture of belonging, empowerment, and safety.

  • All students at Lincoln Middle School will be proficient in the essential standards necessary to succeed in the next level of their educational journey.

  • A staff culture of collective responsibility for ALL students’ success.


  • These commitments may not be currently in place, however, they are foundational values that we are committed to as a school.

  • We commit to hold each other accountable for adhering to the collective commitments.

Culture & Climate

  1. We commit to be positive and solution-oriented members of our collaborative teams. 

  2. We commit to include students in decision-making processes. 

  3. We commit to take collective responsibility for the success of every student. 

  4. We commit to adhere to schoolwide expectations

  5. We commit to addressing student behavior only when we, ourselves, are in an emotionally regulated state.


  1. We commit to shared leadership across LMS that is empathetic, transparent, and student-centered. 

Instruction & Assessment

  1. We commit to have students track their growth toward proficiency on the essential standards.

  2. We commit to provide students with multiple chances to show proficiency. 

  3. We commit to give students actionable feedback.

  4. We commit to creating common formative assessments.

  5. We commit to use evidence of student learning to inform instruction and intervention.

  6. We commit to working as a team to utilize our flex intervention time in a way that is planned and intentional to provide differentiated instruction. 


  • Build a school culture at Lincoln Middle School…

    • Of collective teacher efficacy through the PLC process.

    • Where students and staff feel empowered to promote the social-emotional and mental wellness of themselves and others.